


Why I am interesting to read

Question before i read



  1. Robin Hood and The Golden Arrow

  2. Jack and The Beanstalk 

  3. The Origin of Lake Toba

  1. Because I have heard about Robin Hood since I was a kid.

  2. Because I was curious about the beanstalk.

  3. Because I was curious about Lake Toba.

  1. Why does Robin steal from the rich?

  2. Who is Jack? And what was the story with the beanstalk?

  3. Is there any unique story about Lake Toba?



  1. The adventure of Perseus

  2. The Story of Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih

  3. The Story of Crying Stone

  1. Because I want to read about Greek mythology.

  2. Because it was my childhood story.

  3. Because I want to know why it is called Crying Stone.

  1. How Perseus defeat Medusa?

  2.  What is the main conflict?

  3. Why is it called crying stone? and who is he?



  1. The Golden Snail

  2. The story of Malin Kundang

  3. The Story of Lutung Kasarung

  1. Because it was my childhood story.

  2. Because it was my childhood story.

  3. Because I was curious about the story.

  1. Who is the main character in The Golden Snail?

  2. Is there a more moral lesson?

  3. How was the ending?



  1. The Story of Timun Mas

  2. The legend of Roro Jonggrang

  3. The Legend of St. George

  1. Because I've heard the story on TV.

  2. Because I'm curious about the storyline.

  3. Because I want to know what the story is about.

  1. How does Timun Mas survive? 

  2. How was the ending?

  3. Who is St. George?

Day 1


27 March 2024



Title & Page

  1. Robin Hood and The Golden Arrow (1 page)

  2. Jack and The Beanstalk (1 page)

  3. The Origin of Lake Toba (1 page)




  1. Robin Hood and The Golden Arrow

Characters: Robin Hood, Little John, Friar Tuck,  Will Scarlet, Alan-a-Dale, The Sheriff of Nottingham,  The greedy nobles

  1. Jack and The Beanstalk

Characters: Jack, The Poor Widow, Milky-White, The Mysterious Old Man, The Giant, The Giant's Wife.

  1. The Origin of Lake Toba

Characters: Batara Guru, Ompu Ni Bolon, Batara Sihir, Boru Toba, Partomuan.

Main Point of The Story

  1. The main point of the story is the tale of Robin Hood, a legendary hero who fights against injustice and oppression, particularly the cruelty of the Sheriff of Nottingham and the greed of the nobles. Robin Hood and his band of Merry Men symbolize the fight for justice and the protection of the poor, as they steal from the rich to give to the less fortunate. The story highlights themes of bravery, skill, and the enduring struggle between the powerful and the marginalized in society.

  2. The main point of the story is the classic tale of Jack and the Beanstalk, which revolves around themes of risk-taking, adventure, and the consequences of greed. Jack's impulsive decision to trade the family cow for magic beans leads to unexpected opportunities and challenges as he discovers a world above the clouds inhabited by a giant. Through cunning and resourcefulness, Jack overcomes the giant and secures wealth for himself and his mother, but not without facing the consequences of his actions. The story serves as a cautionary tale about the importance of making wise choices and understanding the value of what one already possesses.

  3. The main point of the story is to explain the origin of Lake Toba, a significant natural landmark in Indonesian culture. Through the mythical tale of Batara Guru, Ompu Ni Bolon, and their son Batara Sihir, the story emphasizes themes of love, supernatural powers, and divine punishment. It serves as a cultural narrative that underscores the importance of respecting nature and obeying higher powers, reflecting the values and beliefs of the Batak culture in North Sumatra. Additionally, the story highlights the enduring significance of folklore in transmitting cultural heritage and traditions across generations.

New Vocabulary Founds



  1. Robin Hood is a great character, he stands for justice and protects the poor.

  2. It's a unique story because of Jack's adventure. The story also had a moral value.

  3. It was a great story, because I get more knowledge from the story (including Batak culture)

What character do you like most? Why?

  1. My favourite character is Robin Hood, because he is the hero and inspiring me to do good but with a good way.

  2. My favourite character is Jack, because he is the main character.

  3. I don't think i have a favourite character in this story.

Day 2


28 March 2024



Title & Page

  1. The Adventure of Perseus (1 page)

  2. The Story of Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih (1 page)

  3. The Story of Crying Stone (1 page)





  1. The Adventure of Perseus

Characters: Acrisius, Perseus, Polydectes, Medusa, Minerva, Mercury, Atlas.

  1. The Story of Bawang Merah & Bawang Putih

Characters: Bawang Merah, Bawang Putih, Their widowed mother, The old woman in the forest, The magical fish.

  1. The Story of Crying Stone

Characters: Dayang Sumbi, Sangkuriang, Roosters.

Main Point of The Story

  1. The main point of the story is the heroic journey of Perseus, who overcomes challenges and fulfills his destiny with the help of divine assistance. From being cast into the sea as an infant to fulfilling his vow to slay Medusa, Perseus demonstrates courage, resourcefulness, and determination. The story highlights the theme of fate, as Acrisius' attempt to thwart the prophecy ultimately leads to its fulfillment through Perseus' actions. Additionally, the story emphasizes the importance of divine aid, as Perseus receives assistance from Minerva and Mercury in his quest. Overall, the tale of Perseus showcases the triumph of good over evil and the power of heroism in ancient mythology.

  2. The main point of the story of Bawang Merah and Bawang Putih is to illustrate the contrasting virtues of kindness and selfishness, as embodied by the two sisters. Through their actions and choices, the story emphasizes the importance of empathy, compassion, and selflessness, as opposed to cruelty and greed. It serves as a moral lesson for Indonesian culture, highlighting the rewards of virtuous behavior and the consequences of negative traits. Additionally, the story underscores the enduring significance of folklore in transmitting moral values and cultural teachings across generations.

  3. The main point of the story of Batu Menangis, or the Crying Stone, is to convey the consequences of arrogance, disobedience, and the violation of familial relationships. Through the tragic tale of Dayang Sumbi and Sangkuriang, the story emphasizes the themes of respect for nature, the power of maternal love, and the importance of fulfilling one's duties. It serves as a cautionary tale in Sundanese culture, warning against the dangers of arrogance and the repercussions of defying familial norms. Additionally, the story underscores the enduring significance of folklore in imparting moral lessons and cultural values to future generations.

New Vocabulary Founds



  1. Perseus was a brave hero, he defeated Medusa with his shield. The story also teach us to be brave when we face our problems.

  2. This story is my childhood story, it teaches me a lot of valuable lessons about life.

  3. This story has a lot of moral messages for us.

What character do you like most? Why?

  1. My favourite character is Perseus, because he is really brave.

  2. My favourite character is Bawang Putih, because she always kind even though her sister always being mean to her.

  3. I don't think I have any favourite character.

Day 3


29 March 2024



Title & Page

  1. The Golden Snail (1 page)

  2. The Story of Lutung Kasarung (1 page)

  3. The Story of Malin Kundang (1 page)



  1. The Golden Snail

Characters: The King, Dewi Galuh, Raden Putra, The Wise Old Man, The Swallow.

  1. The Story of Lutung Kasarung

Characters: Princess Purbasari, The Stepmother, Lutung Kasarung (the monkey), The Prince.

  1. The Story of Malin Kundang

Characters: Malin Kundang, Malin Kundang's Mother, Malin Kundang's Wife.

Main Point of The Story

  1. The main point of the story of Keong Emas, or the Golden Snail, is to emphasize the themes of love, trust, and redemption. Through the tale of the king, Dewi Galuh, and Raden Putra, the story highlights the power of love to overcome curses and obstacles. It also underscores the importance of honesty and the consequences of betrayal. Additionally, the story serves as a cultural narrative in Javanese culture, conveying the values of familial bonds and the belief in the transformative power of love. Overall, the story of Keong Emas continues to be cherished in Indonesian folklore for its enduring lessons on love, trust, and redemption.

  2. The main point of the story of Lutung Kasarung is to convey the themes of friendship, loyalty, and justice. Through the tale of Princess Purbasari and her loyal friend Lutung Kasarung, the story emphasizes the power of companionship in overcoming adversity. It also underscores the importance of standing up to injustice, as seen in Purbasari's escape from her stepmother's wrath with the help of Lutung Kasarung. Additionally, the story serves as a cultural narrative in Sundanese culture, highlighting the values of compassion, resilience, and the enduring bond between friends. Overall, the story of Lutung Kasarung continues to resonate in Indonesian folklore for its timeless lessons on friendship, loyalty, and the pursuit of justice.

  3. The main point of the story of Malin Kundang is to convey the importance of filial piety and the consequences of disrespecting one's parents. Through the tale of Malin Kundang, who becomes wealthy but denies his poor mother upon his return, the story highlights the themes of greed, pride, and the betrayal of familial bonds. It serves as a cautionary tale in Indonesian culture, warning against the dangers of prioritizing wealth and status over love and loyalty to one's family. Additionally, the story underscores the enduring significance of traditional values and the consequences of moral transgressions. Overall, the story of Malin Kundang serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of honoring one's parents and the repercussions of neglecting familial responsibilities.

New Vocabulary Founds



  1. Keong mas faces many challenges, like dealing with a mean stepmother and a wicked witch. But in the end, she finds love and happiness. It's a fun adventure that teaches us about bravery and never giving up.

  2. It's a great  tale that teaches us to treat others nicely and stay true to ourselves.

  3. This story is really famous, and teaches us a lot of moral value, especially about family.

What character do you like most? Why?

  1. In this story i like Raden Galuh, because he saved his mother.

  2. I like Princess Purbasari in this story because she faced her problems wisely.

  3. I like Malin Kundang’s mother.

Day 4 


30 March 2024



Title & Page

  1. The Story of Timun Mas (1 page)

  2. The Legend of Roro Jonggrang (1 page)

  3. The Legend of St. George (1 page)



  1. The Story of Timun Mas

Characters: Timun Mas, Timun Mas's Parents, Tuyul, The Wise Old Man, Various spirits and beings.

  1. The Legend of Roro Jonggrang

Characters: The Powerful King, Roro Jonggrang, The Demon, Various villagers who participate in the plan to trick the demon.

  1. The Legend of St. George

Characters: The Dragon, The Princess, St. George, The People of Silene, Various villagers or citizens of Silene

Main Point of The Story

  1. The main point of the story of Timun Mas is to convey the themes of courage, resourcefulness, and the power of nature and spirituality in overcoming challenges. Through the tale of Timun Mas, who relies on the guidance of a wise old man and the assistance of magical seeds and spiritual beings to evade capture by a demon, the story underscores the importance of wisdom and perseverance in the face of danger. It serves as a cultural narrative in Indonesian folklore, highlighting the values of resilience and the belief in the protective forces of nature and spirituality. Additionally, the story of Timun Mas resonates with audiences for its timeless message of hope and the triumph of good over evil.

  2. The main point of the legend of Roro Jonggrang is to convey the themes of wit, courage, and the consequences of making deals with supernatural forces. Through the tale of Roro Jonggrang, who outsmarts a vengeful demon by tricking him into abandoning his quest for a thousand human sacrifices, the story emphasizes the importance of intelligence and resourcefulness in overcoming adversity. It serves as a cultural narrative in Javanese folklore, highlighting the values of cleverness and the belief in the power of human ingenuity to outwit even the most powerful adversaries. Additionally, the legend of Roro Jonggrang serves as a cautionary tale, warning against the dangers of making deals with malevolent forces and the importance of honoring promises. Overall, the story continues to resonate in Indonesian culture for its timeless message of courage, wit, and the triumph of good over evil.

  3. The main point of the poem is to recount the legendary tale of St. George and the Dragon, emphasizing themes of courage, righteousness, and heroism. Through the narrative of St. George's valiant battle against the dragon to save the princess and the city, the poem highlights the triumph of good over evil and the power of faith and virtue. It also underscores the significance of St. George's actions in converting pagans and becoming the patron saint of England. Overall, the poem celebrates the enduring legend of St. George as a symbol of bravery and righteousness.

New Vocabulary Founds



  1. It's a great story about Timun Mas adventure to defeat the demon. The story also teaches us that bravery and cleverness can defeat the bad.

  2. This story shows how being smart and clever can help you beat tough challenges and even the biggest enemies.

  3. This story teaches us that it's important to do what's right and help others when they're in trouble.

What character do you like most? Why?

  1. Of course i like Timun Mas, because she is really brave.

  2. In this story i like Roro Jonggrang, because she is really clever to deal with her problems.

  3. I like St. George because he's a great character.

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